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Skill Club

by Future Space Explorer @futurespace1

  • Erlerne neue Skills

  • Nimm an epischen Quests Teil
    Solo oder im Team

  • Erhalte Erfahrungspunkte, Achievements und erhöhe deinen Level!

Skill Club

FSE Season 2.02023

Skill Club 2023 with 2 seasons closing with a fantastic first year since it´s launch in March 2023.
In 2024 we continue with our weekly. Thanks everyone for participating and engaging. Have fantastic holidays, xmas days and a good slide into 2024. Cu there and then, vour futurespace team.

  1. Weekly Skill Club
    Tuesdays between 13 and 18h
  2. Wednesdays

    International Chillout & Gaming afternoon with V.

  3. EU Codeweek special
    October 02023
  4. NaNoWriMo Writing Challenge
    November 02023
  5. The Last Saturday – Skilling, Chilling, Gaming

    next Sat´s: October 28th, November 25th,
    Ambient Techno and Minimal Beats DJ

    Monthlay, every last saturday 14-18h

1. club membership

Your personal network and club ID card. Access to your portfolio, quest lists and groups. Treasure chest of your exp points, achievements and unlocks. Of cause it´s free of charge but not free of getting into action 😀

2. the quest coach & menu

What´s your passion ?

Choose from a variety of tasty quests. Video editing, game design, AR/VR, Webdesign, Climate sensing, cooking, writing….. our menu is rich. A coach assists you in finding your passion project.

3. working on quests

Found your favorite quest themes ? Then get startet coop or single. You receive Experience Points for simply working on your quests. +special boosts upon completion of milestones and awesome development results. Excellent failures get double bonus!! So, jump 😀

4. finish quests /next

I mean, come on. We all know that´s the hardest part. We can get lost or drop just another of our projects.

But hey, we have a supportive community of other Club members that know the same challenge and you have Coaches on your side if you choose to. That should work.

Recap Season 1 March-June 02023

Season 1 has been a spring time of building up the gaming and chill out community of trust, growing in numbers, wanting to hang out more together, taking a break from stress and educational agenda: boyz, girls and diverse from many countries.

Lot´s of Minecraft, Roblox and yipp, uhmm fritz coke 😉 …but also the guitar, the keyboards, xperiments + making music. Great talents here. That´s our fixed Wednesdays, now: season 1: The International Chill and Gaming Afternoon. Great result & success. Special Thanks to Victor (V) a 17y old young man, speaks russian, ukrainian, english and German, is a fantastic provider of minecraft multiplayer setups and is very supportive – especially for newcomers. Thx V 🙂 Great work

Season 2, the skill club launching this coming up summer holiday…

All Devices

Highscores Top 10 – Season 2

  1. Kurt_from_the_Void 1,488XP Chief Master
  2. iiidjjjmmo 1,069XP Chief Master
  3. ichbindas_nicht 1,020XP Chief Master
  4. Missionlegolegende 900XP Best of the Rest
  5. HenryY 840XP Best of the Rest
  6. Cyberhippie 568XP Best of the Rest
  7. Felixheimer 510XP Best of the Rest
  8. artrum07a 495XP Best of the Rest
  9. Damian08 490XP Best of the Rest
  10. AcroniusX 463XP Best of the Rest

XP (eXperience Points)

point rules  September 2023

50 XP

for simply working on your project quest a bit on 1 day

125 XP

for milestones and epic fails

200 XP

for finishing your project quest (in multiplayer each player receives 200XP


For engaging and doing stuff in the network. Automatic realtime XP assignment.

Quest Board

A Quest is a passion project – a try & error adventure of fun exploration
— solo or as a multiplayer group —

Web Design

Design oder re-design websites with UIkit, Pagebuilder Pro + WordPress that stand out…

Game Design

Create your own game experiments with Roblox Designer, Spore GA, Unreal Engine 5 or create your Custom Minecraft Server…

Video & Streaming Production

Record, Edit und Publish videos. Analog, Let´s Plays, Machinima, Mixed Reality….
Intro Lvl: Clip Champ > advanced > DaVinci Resolve

AR / VR Design

Design miXed Reality Experiences in Virtual Reality and/or Augmented Reality. On Oculus Quest 2, Hololens 2 or  Smartphones as a web app.

Climate Sensing Micro Controller

Build, program and install a climate sensing micro controller with our easy to use Senseboxes


Uh yes. Feeding our analog bodies helps the digital experience. Let´s get creative in our Foodturespace kitchen and create Tapas. Even grow our own sprouts.

Music Production

We have a range of Synthesizer & Keyboards. Ableton 11 pro


Fan Fiction, Blog articles, posts, stories, video scripts – if you love to write, find your theme…and write 🙂

Climate Sense Bot


Connect the Lego Boost Bot with a custom sensebox and optimize

Futurespace Coaches

Wir sind  in der Woche für Euch da und begleiten  Eure Projekte




Biologin und Genetikerin


Elektro & Solar Technik


Physik, Coding, Klima-Sensorik




MC Server Projekte, Leitung Gaming Nachmittag und Übersetzungen Russisch/Ukrainisch/Englisch/Deutsch


Cyberhippie und Medienpädagoge